From the Principal’s desk

Education is an all round development drawing out the best in the child and man-body, mind and spirit (Mahatma Gandhi). The aim of education is all around development of the child. It means whatever potential and talent is within the child will come out, and personality grows. Education helps children grow and think intensively. Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education.

We strive to make this School a temple of wisdom and knowledge in the real sense. Our goal is to fill every child’s mind with the awareness that every child is important and significant and is born to do something remarkable, creative and original, without disrupting the goodness and virtues innate in every child.

The R.B. Society of Gorakhpur started Divine Public School at Mohanapur in Gorakhpur in 2010. The School has since made incomparable head-way in a very short span of three years. As a natural corollary, the School secured affiliation to the C.B.S.E. this year (2013).

Our endeavour is to make every child a fully mature person capable of grasping easily, understanding properly, speaking intelligibly and behaving politely and doing things sensibly and efficiently. The main thrust of the School is to form, in the students, habits of diligence and duty, and instill in them a sense of perseverance, fortitude and hope. The entire curricular of the School and its activities has been formulated such that students might grow up as wholesome personalities with futuristic attitudes and proactive temperament.

“May God bless our efforts!”

Mr.Manoj Kumar Srivastava
Divine Public School